Thursday, April 1, 2010

Matzo Brittle and other thoughts.

Mr. Saucy and I have an "interfaith" household, so we celebrate both Christian and Jewish holidays to respect and continue our individual traditions. When we started to date seriously, we discussed the implications of having different religions, so we wouldn't end up like this couple. We are fortunate to both come from very accepting families, who understand that our affection and devotion to each other transcend our religious differences. So, our household encourages and fosters religious tolerance and diversity. We celebrate our respective holidays (and like to throw the occasional solstice and equinox celebrations in for good measure) surrounded by both families. And, let me tell you, we throw big parties. For Christmas 2009, we hosted approximately 30 of our nearest and dearest relatives and friends. This week are observing Passover and hosted a seder for 17 on Monday. New on the menu this year was matzo brittle. I used a recipe that was similar to this one. It was AWESOME and enjoyed by all. We also served my famous pineapple "bread" pudding that I make by substituting Passover honey cake for bread and cutting the sugar.

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